Sunday, December 18, 2011

In the Gate Room

As Chevron seven locked into place and the room lit up by the worm hole’s luminescence, applause broke out amongst the stargate staff, amazed by Samantha’s incredible brilliance.  And to think, that just ten years earlier, until the appearance of Daniel Jackson, they hadn’t even been able to make the gate work.
            The remote unit climbed the ramp, disappeared into what appeared like a pool of water standing on edge, then began relaying video at the foot of the gate on the new found world.  The pictures revealed a planet bathed in daylight that looked much like their own.  With a blue sky, tall green grass and nearby forests, it could have been a scene from a travel magazine.  The atmosphere was similar to earth with oxygen level readings only slightly higher.  As the unit scanned the area, the required dialing device came into view.  “Don’t leave home without it,” O’Neill had said, quoting from some ancient ad he had heard as a boy.  There was the gate.  How many millennia had this sentinel stood here?  What stories did it have to tell?  Was it a Goa'uld planet?  There were no signs of people or activity.  There was no path. Yet, there was a large clearing around the gate.  Surely this area would have long ago filled in, had there not been someone to manage it.  With no signs of hostility, the order was given to move forward, cautiously.    
            Teal'c was followed by Daniel as the quartet of years ago reassembled for one last adventure.   They each paused to gaze one last time at the surface, knowing that this would probably be the last time they used the gate on earth to travel to other worlds, now that space travel had become so convenient and reliable. 
            As the surface of the worm hole dematerialized on the other side, the scenery about them suddenly began to morph.  The grass and trees blurred.  The quartet grabbed their heads.  O’Neill ordered Jackson to redial home, but the “phone” had disappeared.  One at a time, they slumped to the ground, unconscious.